8 Ways To Keep Your Child Safe Online In 2022

8 Ways To Keep Your Child Safe Online In 2023

As a parent, it’s your responsibility and duty to care for, guide, and keep your child safe from harm. But dangers online can be just as serious as dangers in the real world, and it’s very important to keep them safe.

Every day, more and more children are using the internet. Most of the time, this is a beneficial move! Kids can use WiFi home connection to connect with their friends and access educational materials, fun games, and helpful videos. 

On the other hand, there is a lot of bad and inappropriate content on the web that any parent would want to keep their child away from. It is very important to block access to dangerous and fake websites so that your child can only see good content online. 

This keeps them safe and makes sure that your entire WiFi home connection stays private. There are too many websites to count on the internet. Aside from Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, there are millions of niche social media platforms.

The networked culture of today implies that your child may face danger from anywhere in the world, unlike past generations where danger was typically limited to the neighborhood where you lived.

Telemantrra Broadband, a trusted ISP in Pune suggests 8 good ways to protect your child from unsuitable content on the internet and keep your WiFi home connection safe.

8 Effective Ways To Protect Your WiFi Home Connection And Keep Your Child Safe Online

Keeping your child safe online is tricky. You need to trust your kids and know a little bit about technology. Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Monitor Network Traffic, Restrict Site Access

With a tool like Pi-hole, it’s easy to keep an eye on the traffic coming in and going out of your WiFi connection at home. You can easily block access to any site or web address with Pi-hole. You can find out if your child is going to unsafe sites online and block them.

  1. Set Router WPA Security

WiFi Protected Access, or WPA, prevents unauthorized users from accessing WiFi networks unless permission is granted. By doing this, your kids won’t be able to use home internet connection to view inappropriate content without your approval.

  1. Create Router Password

Even though this is perfectly evident, it’s still a simple and effective way to control just how many times your kid can use the home WiFi. Make a password that’s hard for kids to figure out. 

If you want to add an extra layer of security, change the password often so that your kids can’t use the WiFi when you’re not home or nearby.

  1. Restrict Admin Access

You can create multiple accounts on every computer. Experienced ISPs in Pune advise to set up an administrator’s account and guest accounts for your kids. This way, you can keep track of what they do on the internet and keep them safe.

  1. Teach Kids Location Privacy

Your child’s privacy is at risk if they reveal their location online to a suspicious person or website. Your kid may have good intentions yet post your address online mistakenly. To avoid this, talk to them about keeping your location hidden. When they grasp this, they’ll be less likely to provide their location.

  1. Maintain Screen Visibility

If you can’t keep a check on your child’s online activity, then even the most strict parental restrictions won’t prevent tech-savvy kids from finding ways to bypass them. Place the computer in a common area of the house, like the living room, instead of a bedroom, so you can keep track of what they’re looking at.

  1. Restrict Times To Go Online

Because evil breeds in the dark, it’s best to limit your kids’ screen use in the hours leading up to bedtime. Again, Pi-hole is the answer, and with a little technical know-how, it can be used to control access to sites at certain times.

  1. Discuss Online Dangers With Kids

Talk to your kids openly about possible online dangers and let them know that they can talk to you about everything and that you won’t judge them. Make sure that what you say is backed up by what you do.

To Summarize

The online world can be dangerous, and your child might fall down some unsafe false leads. Make sure you use the above tips to keep your child safe online and to protect your WiFi connection at home. You should use these technical steps to keep your child from going where they shouldn’t.

Telemantrra Broadband provides secure and uninterrupted WiFi services in Pune. You can choose a suitable internet plan for a WiFi connection at home at fair prices. Call us today to know the various broadband internet plans available for you!